Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I looked over at Tateym one morning and saw this..

Below: Her first time to have a biter biscuit. She made a huge mess but loved it.

Below: Her first time to have the dried fruit snacks. She wasn't so sure about those..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Puppy Love

Tateym loves Wyatt & Maggie! Though I'm not sure the feeling is mutual with Maggie.. Tateym tries to play with her by hitting her, pulling her hair, and following her around. Maggie just growls at her. Wyatt is in a dog run now (thanks to Justin, my dad, and Justin's dad) so we can use the backyard without getting covered in dog hair and dog drool. Our backdoor doesn't look like this anymore either:

Peekaboo Maggie!

Wyatt was being a huge baby when it was raining and barking like crazy late at night so we put him in the laundry room. Of course Tateym loved this, it was her indoor zoo.

When we go see Wyatt in the dog run he jumps up on the fence and Tateym giggles like crazy! It's so cute. She's really going to love him when she gets older.

It's Summer time! Aka Watermelon time!

Tateym and I shared a little watermelon out on the deck one day. Another reason I love summertime!! It was her first time to have watermelon and I think she's going to love it like Mommy does! Notice she's even wearing a watermelon outfit :)

9 Months old! On May 20th

I know, I know... I am so behind on blogging. I have neglected it since I started my photography business. It's called Vintage Charm Photography and I don't have a website YET but I have a facebook page.. so if you are a facebooker check it out! I know our distant friends enjoy seeing our sweet girl grow so I will make sure that I find time to blog much more often!!

Here are Tateym's 9 month photos with her friend JoJo! Look how big she is getting: