Ok, so you really want to know all about me? Well here it is no matter what your answer was to that question...
I absolutely LOVE Mexican food. Me and Justin say we could eat it for every meal and sometimes we do.
I miss my best friend that lives in Kansas now. I miss New Kids on the Block. I miss being a kid. I miss my MawMaw and my PaPa. I miss high school sports.
I'm obsessed with Desperate Housewives right now, LOVE the show Friends of course, & Gilmore Girls -they all rank up there with my faves. I also watch The Biggest Loser, The Office, Ellen sometimes, Oprah sometimes, Big Love (starting again in January on HBO), and Jon and Kate Plus 8.
I've always been a fan of Bill Cosby. I watched his shows all the time when I was growing up and still do watch reruns. I was supposed to go see him at First Yell this year but there was an issue with people getting tickets. I'd also like to hang out with all of the Friends cast, Oprah, and Angelina Jolie. But we won't want to get Jennifer Aniston and Angie together at once so I'll have to hang out with them in two seperate occasions..
My biggest flaw is that I hold grudges. I know what they say, forgive and forget, but that's hard- and frankly sometimes I just can't forget what you did to me. So don't make me mad. :)
I LOVE hot baths, blankets, and massages! These are a few of my favorite thiiinggss... Runners up include the color pink, tivo, cookies n cream ice cream, funfetti cupcakes, oatmeal cake, cheese dip, pizza hut pizza, Roadhouse salads and rolls, volleyball of course, photos of course, and most obviously Justin and Maggie. Ok Wyatt too but I mean he's more of Justin's guy-dog pal. Maggie's my snuggle bunny princess. Ok I'll stop. And of course I love my family and friends!
Let's see, I'd love to go to Hawaii one day, I'd love to have four kids one day, I'd love to build a huge house on a lot of land one day, I'd love to own a hot tub one day, and I want to teach one day.
For some reason I usually can not eat the last bite of a hamburger or hotdog. I do try to but just can't for some very odd reason.
I don't have to have the best of everything - although I think I do have the best life ever. I like to make people happy. I get hurt easily.
I'm most proud of getting through college. It was a hard journey with lots of homework, frustration, early classes, and late nights, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I once was a Girl Scout. I was an All-State volleyball player in high school. I need to learn how to cook. I don't like tomatoes but I do like ketchup and salsa. I HATE cold weather.
I have a photographic memory, dating back to memories at a very young age. Mostly I remember what I was wearing during certain events. Like I remember I was wearing orange shorts and a tie-die shirt when my mom told me one morning my cousin was having a baby. Weird huh. My husband on the other hand has an awful memory and it frustrates me sometimes. How can you not remember things?! I don't understand.
Ok so dreams. I dream in color and I don't see how people dream in black and white. That's so strange to me. I dream at LEAST 3-4 dreams a night. I wake up and start telling Justin all my dreams and he doesn't understand how I remember them or have so many but it's true. I don't make them up. Sometimes I think there's no way I could've made that up because it was so good. Sometimes they're like plots to movies and I want to write it down and sell the script for thousands of dollars. But of course that wouldn't happen. Do any of you dream a lot??
Yep- here's some pics of myself. Haha
From now on, my posts won't ALL be about me!