I was tagged by
Kyleigh!Please play with us!!
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:1} Getting over my cold
2} Brandy's Wedding
3} Magan's Wedding
4} Seeing Brandy Chappell at Magan's Wedding
5} Decorating Baby Girl's Nursery
6} August when Baby Girl is born
7} My Graduation from Texas A&M
8} The Summer Break :)
8 Things I Did Yesterday:1} I substituted at Allen Academy even though I felt terrible all day
2} I picked up my bridesmaid dress from Bea's Alterations
3} I went to Muster at Reed Arena
4} I picked up Subway for dinner
5} I slept in the guest bedroom so I wouldn't get Justin sick
It was a long day and I didnt get to do much, ok!! Sub, Alterations, Muster, and Bed was my day........................................
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:1} Sing
2} Become very wealthy over night without having to work for it
3} Breathe at the moment... I hate being sick. Especially when I'm already prego.
4} Weigh what I did when I graduated high school
5} Build a house one day
6} Cook
7} Have a margarita
8} But a hot tub and use it
8 Shows I Watch:1} Jon and Kate Plus 8
2} Desperate Housewives
3} The Biggest Loser
4} Big Love
5} Friends
6} Bringing Home Baby
7} Oprah sometimes
8} Ellen sometimes
I'm tagging Brenna and Brandy!