Tateym Kayte turned 6 months old on Saturday, February 20th. She is now eating 3 meals a day like a big girl & is occasionally using a sippy cup! She has 2 teeth.. both bottom front. Tateym weighs 16 lb. 4 oz. & is 26 1/4 in. long!
At 6 months, TK's favorite things to do include:
- watching Maggie
- talking - she says Ma, Mama, & BaaBaa (trying to get her to say Dada & BaBa (bottle) & this seems to be a cross between the two), and sounds of M & B.
- playing with the baby in the glass reflection of the entertainment center or the baby in the mirror.
- ROLLING! She's very good at it & can go really fast.
- Drumming... on the high chair, on her lap, PaPa's guitar, etc.
- Sitting - she sometimes falls over but she's getting better & better at it. I love how she sits straight up... really good posture.
- Kicking and splashing in the bath tub.
- Making SILLY noises that make Mommy & Daddy laugh!
Her favorite toys include:
- rubber ducks
- books
- stuffed animals
- anything that makes noise & rattles
- Her exersaucer
- The Johnny Jumper
Things Tateym tries to play with and would like to play with if she could include:
- Mommy's cell phone
- Remote controls
- Daddy's big blue water bottle (she plays with it when its empty)
- The laptop computer
- Mommy's big camera
- The plant in the living room! (she has successfully pulled it over once)
Tateym also...
- Cries when everyone starts laughing
- Cries when someone sneezes really loudly.. especially men.
- Pulls down the bumper pad and peeks through the slats of the crib.
- Wraps her legs around my arm when I change her diaper or bathe her