My friend Magan got married to Greg Smith on Saturday!
We had our pedicures and manicures done on Friday and the rehearsal dinner that night was at the Benjamin Knox Art Gallery.
We had our pedicures and manicures done on Friday and the rehearsal dinner that night was at the Benjamin Knox Art Gallery.

Saturday at noon all of the bridesmaids and Magan, along with two hair dressers, came to my house to have their hair done for the wedding!

After the pic the photographer told the guys to bend their knees and pretend they were dropping her... Well they started goofing around and almost did, but they caught her before she hit the floor!

Reception Photos

This thing was HUGE and scary and we don't know where it came from!!
Definitely an uninvited and unwelcomed guest!

Ashley and Magan's cousin Taylor both caught the bouquet

This was hilarious.. Greg was giving Magan a lap dance before getting her garter and this little girl walked up to them so Magan covered her eyes!

Congrats Magan and Greg!!
Awww...Justin dressed to match you. How sweet! His idea I'm sure. =-) Oh, you were definitely right! (You know what I'm talking about.) Last time we were at the Astin Mansion there was a huge tarantula there too. Apparently they have big problems with them. Yuck!