Thursday, August 20, 2009
Welcome Tateym Kayte Hamilton!
Justin and I got to the hospital this morning, August 20th, at 5:30am. I was in my room by 5:50am and started Pitocin around 6:30am to get labor going. I started having contractions right away but they were tolerable. Then the doctor came in at 7:20am to break my water and immediately the contractions spiked to an awful awful thing. For the next hour to hour and a half I had TERRIBLE pain like I have never had before. I didn't want to cry, I wanted to hit and kick and throw a fit. I didn't though. In the meantime I was begging for an epidural and it FINALLY came. Throughout my pregnancy I had been nervous about getting an epidural because I'm scared of needles, but I didn't think twice about it. I just wanted pain relief! You were right Katie! It was very difficult to have contractions while they were getting the epidural hooked up and not be able to move. I think I said, "Oh my God. Oh my God." so many times. I did the breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth thing during this and during contractions and it really did help for me! I would recommend it. After the epi started working I was in heaven. It was wonderful! I could still feel the contraction come but I didn't want to punch someone anymore. Then when I was getting close to ready to have the baby I started having a lot of pain again! I told them I needed more drugs, they gave me a little more, but it did not work. It was so painful. Apparently I had a "hot spot" where the epi was not working. They told me basically the only way to make it stop hurting was to deliver the baby. So we started pushing. It was hard but I only had to push for 20 minutes so not too bad.. I didn't know at the time but Justin told me they were getting worried about the doctor getting there in time because she was coming! They had been stretching me for a while (ouch!!) but the baby had her elbow up by her head and it wasn't coming out that way so he had to cut me and give me stitches. So yes, not only her head came out of me but also her arm up by her head, bent with the elbow facing up! She did not make it easy on me.. They said it was a second degree delivery. They pulled her out and put her on my chest and I was so amazed that this little baby was in my belly. She was big! Tateym weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long. She has a little bit of dark brown hair and everyone says she looks like Justin. I love her so much already and she was worth the pain!

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Amazing! She is beautiful! Ugh....I remember the pain with contractions....not fun, but oh so worth every second, just like you said! When you see that little face & hold that little body close to you, you know you would do it all over again! I'm happy for you & your family! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteWell, when I held Tateym yesterday I was wanting a baby really badly! But after reading this I'm thinking we should go ahead and wait about three years! LoL She is adorable though! Love you both!!!