Wednesday, December 16, 2009

One Healthy Baby!

Today Tateym went to the doctor for her 4 Month Well Check. She weighed13 lbs. 13 oz. (50th percentile.. average), had a head circumference of 42 cm, and was 25 1/2 in. long (90th percentile)! The nurse said, "Wow, she is long!" The doctor said she is a healthy baby. :)

She's doing all the right things for this age: rolling over from belly to back (I have to add that she can also do back to belly which is harder), blows bubbles, coos, recognizes Mommy & Daddy, holds head sturdy, supports weight on her legs, looks toward sounds, has different cries for different reasons, sleeps through the night (usually!), etc.

Poor Tateym had to get 2 shots and she wasn't happy about it but she did really well. She screamed for about 10 seconds and then she was over it. What a trooper.. she's better with shots than I am.

Dr. Tomlin said she could start on rice cereal now and fruits and vegetables as soon as she's used to the cereal! I can't believe she's already big enough to eat baby food!!!

1 comment:

  1. Did you tell Dr. Tomlin that her old patient said hello?! LoL You picked such a sweet doctor for Tateym!
