Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas in Iola

Justin & Tateym


There were sooo many presents they covered that side of the room!

I made mom new stockings for her growing family!

Tateym's stocking

Mom always make yummy holiday desserts


Our family

Yummy wrapping paper

Mom got a book of Tateym's pictures

Kelsey made this blanket for Tateym!

And I made this fishing blanket for my dad

We got my parents a year long pass to go fishing at the lake

My sister Brandy

and her husband Luke

No more destroying my good oven mits out on the bar-b-que pit

Kelsey got Taylor Swift guitar music

A lap desk for my laptop

I made Kelsey a Peace Zebra blanket

Look at all these clothes Tateym got!

Tateym loving her baby doll

Her stocking!

Look at all the Christmas gifts we got this year!!
Thank you to our families!

1 comment:

  1. That is a ton of presents! How long did it take to find a place for everything?! Also, I bought Greg A&M oven mits to use when he BBQ's too! How funny that we bought them for the exact same reason!
