Grace: the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.
Sunday, Feb. 28th our niece, Saylor Grace, was baptized at St. Mary's Catholic Center. A lot of family members were there to celebrate the occasion.

Proud Big Sis

Tateym & her GG

Kelsey, Brandy (with cute new hair cuts), & Saylor

My dad, mom, Brandy, Saylor, Luke, Kelsey

Saylor's other grandparents - Luke's parents

The girls! Kelsey, Tateym (REALLY wanting Kelsey's hair), Kristy, Brandy, Saylor, Mom, GG

My little happy family
TK is a goober :)

Nana & PaPa with their granddaughters
(Tateym to Kelsey: your hair is the coolest)

Tateym Kayte and her PaPa
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