Let me tell you what the book says my baby- ok our baby- is doing at this point. "Your baby is just over 2 inches long now and weighs about a third of an ounce... Hair follicles are forming and fingernail and toenail beds are beginning to develop... Your fetus has distinct human characteristics by now, with hands and feet in the front of the body, ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the tip of the nose, a tongue and palate in the mouth, and visible nipples." Yay for nipples, I hope there's only 2 and no extra nubbins like Chandler on Friends.
Also my friend, Brenna, let me borrow one of her books. It's called The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy (Or Everything Your Doctor Won't Tell You). I've REALLY liked reading this book- it's so interesting and easy to read. The other books are more textbook and this is a woman telling stories about her girlfriends' pregnancies and all the details and insights that aren't necessarily covered in books or doctor visits. Some sections include: Fear of Getting Ugly, 10 Commandments of Morning Sickness, Fear of Turning into Your Mother, Pregnancy Insanity, You Will Get Fat, I'm Getting so Big I Might Explode, etc. I read one chapter the other day and it was sadly so true it was creepy. So I was alittle moody and emotional last week...... Only for a couple of days! I yelled at Justin because I thought he took the one little baby grape that I had in my bowl. Well he hadn't and he said, "Don't you think you're overreacting just a little?" GRRR. So I go lay in the bath with the book the next day and begin to read the section called I Think I Hate My Baby's Father! It says, "Get prepared for comments from your mate like 'Aren't you overreacting just a little?" Yep- I've heard that one before!!

Yay for tons of reading! Good for you planning to read a book that's actually about your baby. I read a half dozen books about pregnancy, but neglected to read any about what to expect when the baby actually arrives. A friend from my bible study read Baby Wise. She also read The Baby Whisperer. I have no idea what it's about, but you might want to check it out too. Also, the reading continues once your little one gets here. I'm currently reading 3 baby related books.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so I was checking out baby books on Amazon and also saw a book called The Happiest Baby on the Block. It got really good reviews and actually sounds like it would have been helpful when C was smaller. Just in case you want another one to add to your list. =-)
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