So Justin was sitting on the couch and I asked him, "Will you be my Valentine?" He said, "No." But I know what he was really thinking was... "Of course sweetheart I will be your Valentine. I love you more than anything. You are the love of my life." This just wasn't the answer I got, but I just know it's what he was thinking. No really I am sure that my husband will do something special for me as he does every year. Last year he bought me pearl earrings and put an offer on the house I really really wanted (we didn't get it but that's ok- I love ours more).. The year before he got me two dozen red roses and took me to this really nice restaurant in downtown Austin. Anyways, I want to do a special blog dedicated to him- my Valentine!!!
Justin and I started dating in May of 2005. We met when we were both working at the Bryan Golf Course. In Novemeber of 2005, for our 6th month Anniversary, we were engaged! We were married September 23, 2006. My precious Maggie joined our family as my Christmas present the first Christmas we were married. Wyatt came this October. It has now been 2 years and 4 1/2 months since we've been married and we are expecting our first baby! It's a love story!

P.S.- He finally said he would love to be my Valentine! :) :) :)
Love the new background! I seriously had this one up for a few minutes today before I changed it to the current one. Great minds! Hope you had a fabulous Monday off!