Here's Maggie's story.......
A few days ago, Thursday is when we first noticed, Maggie was going outside to go pee pee but was not actually going. She would squat for a very long time and nothing was coming out. This continued and that evening she was even squatting to try to go in the house (which she never does.. when we're home at least) and nothing was coming out still. I called up to the vet even though I figured no one when be in the office that late. It was around 8:15pm. The vet doctor said it was probably a urinary tract infection but he would have to look at her to know for sure. Despite the extra after-hours fee, we headed up to the vet clinic with our Maggie. Once there he took X-rays and said he saw no stones, took a urine sample out with a needle, gave her a shot, and sent us home with some meds that would make her potty. Well those meds never worked and she and I were up all night because she kept trying and was in pain. She started acting really strangely too which really scared me. During the night she went and got in the bathtub and the next morning she went and hid under the deck. I called up to the vet clinic at 7:40am and they were there and said to bring her in. The doc said he was probably going to have to put a catheter in and to leave her and he'd call us later. Well he called and said he took another X-Ray and saw two stones that must have been too high up the night before to see them and that she would need emergency surgery. We first though Oh no.. our little Maggie and then we though Oh no... that's going to cost a lot! So following the surgery the dr called and said he removed two stones and a slushy goo of a whole bunch a tiny stones. He was sending them off to the lab to see what they were made of and what caused them to make sure it doesn't happen again. She could have died and would have without the surgery. So she had to have an IV for the rest of the day to get her fluid levels back up. We went to pick her up at 5pm and she was so sad and pathetic looking. It broke my heart. That was Friday and today, Monday, she's doing a lot better but still definietly in recovery mode. She is on a list of medications and prescription food. Our counter looks like we're medicating the elderly.
Here is our sweet Maggie girl a few days before surgery.

This is Maggie the night we brought her home from having surgery.
She did not move from this position.
(notice our mattress in the living room floor- yes our A/C is out)
Maggie likes to lay or sleep under beds. I guess she feels safe there. Notice her surgery incision going all the way down her belly. It's a pretty large cut.

Maggie likes to lay or sleep under beds. I guess she feels safe there. Notice her surgery incision going all the way down her belly. It's a pretty large cut.

Mags seems to be doing a little better everyday! Thank God!!
Oh my goodness! What a terrible weekend. Poor Maggie. =-( Thank goodness she is okay. Too bad we weren't home. Y'all could have come over and hung out in some a/c.