On Friday, May 15th I traveled to San Marcos to see one of my best friends, Briana, graduate from Texas State! We have been friends since we were in Kindergarten and I wanted to share this special day with her!

Here are some pics of me and friends from college before Graduation!

This is me and Sara. We had so many classes together the last couple of years of college. We became really good friends and I couldn't have gotten through all those classes without her!

This is me and Whitney. We first met when we both worked at a daycare together and then ended up in the same STAT class.

This is me and Katie. We had all of our methods classes together and both were placed at Sam Houston Elementary in 3rd grade classrooms in Fall 2008 across the hall from one another!

Me and Amanda had our Junior II classes together in the Spring of 2008 and were grouped together in our placements. Good luck with Grad school!

This is me and my good friend Emily. She and I met in high school when we played club volleyball together for BVJ and have been friends even since. She got engaged the night before graduation. Congrats!

This is me and Michelle. We were friends in our Middle School Writing Intensive Course and then took a summer Chemistry course together a year later at Blinn.

These girls and I had methods classes together and were placed at Sam Houston Elementary. We spent a lot of time together working on our Service Project "Pennies for Pizza" in which we gave all the money raised to The Brazos Food Shelter. It was a really neat experience.

Love these girls! Sara and Katy above and Dyann below were my besties in college life. Sara and I had millions of classes together and we had an ECHE class and all of our methods courses together! I had a lot of fun on Thursdays with these girls and I will miss our lunches together!!

More Graduation pics to come!!!
Congrats Kristy! I'm proud of you!!