Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Playing with Tateym!

Can you speak u please? I can't hear you!

I'm so happy!

Aren't I SO cute?!?

Mom, I'm working on something for you in my diaper!

Yeah Mom, it's for me!



  1. i had a drem last night that brandy was mad because her baby was born and it looked exactly like tateym. they were twins!!!

  2. Ha! When Ky told me the story I didn't hear the getting mad part so I was wondering what you were talking about this morning!!
    Our babies will not be twins, but wil only be like 6 months apart! No matching clothes though!!!

  3. Oh, and pretty soon she will be able to call her Aunt Brandy on the phone!

  4. oh my gosh Tateym makes the cutest faces! she cracks me up!!
