Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tateym at 15 Months Old!

At Tateym's 15 Month Well Check she weighed 23 lbs. (50th percentile) & was 33 inches tall (90th percentile). Tall & thin girl! She now has 12 teeth! 4 front, 4 bottom, & 4 molars. Finally getting hair too, although it's mainly just growing in the back so it looks like a mullet. Words she says or has said: Mama, Dada, Daddy, Maggie, Wyatt, out, outside, yuck, duck, Nana, PaPa, thank you, hi, hey, bye, baba, moo, & she may have said three & bubbles? Other sounds: dog barks (and her special dog talk), un huh (yes), uhn uhn (no).

Things Tateym LOVES:
-BOOKS! I would say right now she enjoys books more than toys. I could not even guess at how many books we read a day.. which is great! She has started to "read" to herself too. She is great at pointing out objects on the pages.
- Clothes & Shoes. She likes to put on new clothes, is always bringing us shoes to put on, & likes to try to pull socks on and off. At night when she has pjs on she'll bring us clothes and shoes to put on over her pjs. She is currently wearing a red Christmas nightgown with a long sleeve Mickey Mouse shirt over it.
- Going outside. Walking around, playing on slide, going for walks or wagon rides or in the stroller. She points out the moon, birds, etc.
- Baths! I ask her if she wants to go take & bath and she takes off running to the bathroom.
- Being chased
- Dogs! Especially loves to be licked by dogs.
- Technical things/Electronics. She can hit buttons on the laptop that brings up things I didn't know existed. She would play with electrical outlets all the time if we would let her. They're covered but she takes cords and tries to plug them in anyway. She knows how my laptop charger plugs in and can do it correctly. Loves all phones & now talks to people, listens, then talks. She's learning how communication works.
- Nick Jr. - Her doctor said about 30 minutes of tv a day but she's getting more than that right now. She especially loves Yo Gabba Gabba, Jack's Big Music Show, & The Wonder Pets.
- Coloring and writing. She just has to be watched very very carefully when she has a crayon. She has colored on our bedroom door, dishwasher, kitchen tilee, my wallet, and a few toys.
- Drinking out of adult cups & glasses, straws, water bottles.
- Climbing. She can climb up on the couch, in the dining chairs, on the coffee table and entertainment center if she's really fast when we're not looking, out of the bathtub, on toys.

She also:
- Plays pretend. Likes to cook, eat, and drink with her play toys and with Mommy's kitchen bowls and spoons.
- Still sucks her thumbs, especially when she's sleepy.
- Shows signs that potty training is getting closer. She'll sometimes grab her wet diaper, walk bow legged when it's wet, and will pull TP off the roll and wipe herself over her pants.
- Pulls her bow out her head! Then most successful I've been is when I put it in when she was sleeping. It was in her about 2 hours before she found it and pulled it out.
- Likes to brush her own teeth rather than you do it for her.. she likes it but it's a battle too.
- Was NOT a fan of the real Santa in the mall! Only a fan of the Santas in our house & the 7 foot one in the yard.
-Has selective hearing (hears what she wants to hear)! I can call her name, ask her to look & she won't.. but if I say Bye or Do you want a bite? she turns to me immediately!
- Still picks up every tiny little thing off the floor and ground and usually puts it in her mouth. I was hoping she would be over this by now!
- Bubbles! Bubbles in the bath, bubbles you blow with a wand, and she has a bubble gun.

Cute things TK is doing now:
- waves bye bye when people leave, even when we grab our keys or purse she knows we're leaving so she starts waving and blowing kisses. At basketball games when people start walking down bleachers she waves or when we get up to leave a restaurant.
- Gives Mommy shoulder massages and likes to receive them too.
- Hugs & kisses babies, toys, cousin Saylor, us.
- Likes to do High Five, Down Low, in the Hole, Too Slow! Now when I hold up a one (finger) she thinks we're playing this game.
- This little piggy went to the market. Loves when I do it on her feet and wiggles my toes to do it to me too.
- TICKLES! The new favorite. She loves tickling us, Santas, the huge blow up Santa in the front yard, Maggie, stuffed animals, etc.

Knows body parts: Head, hair, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, tongue, hands, legs, feet, toes.
Tateym's 2 favorite foods are ALL fruits & cheese. Also likes bread, green beans, yogurt, animal crackers, lots of breakfast foods, mac & cheese, grilled cheese, and does not like meats!


  1. I love that she tickles Santa. We love sweet Tateym!!

  2. Yay! An update! LOL about layering clothes and being licked by dogs!! Send her over to my house with those massaging skills. =-) What a sweet, sweet girl.
