In 2012 I am going to do a better job of saying my prayers every night and teaching Tateym about God. And we WILL attend church more regularly. This is going to be a challenge since Jc & I are not morning people but we can do it.
I want to do a much better job of making a menu on Sundays, grocery shopping on Sundays or Mondays, and COOKING! No more eating out all the time.. Friday nights only as of right now.
Justin and I started P90X yesterday morning (2 days down, 88 to go). I am hoping for us both to be healthy and in great shape at the end of 90 days! I am tired on not wearing cute shirts.
Be OPTIMISTIC! I can't stand when people that are always complaining and pointing out the bad in every thing. I don't want to be that person.
Be productive, not lazy. I have made a cleaning schedule and a schedule for teaching Tateym. STICK WITH IT DAILY!! Get out there and take T to the park and to do activities when it's a pretty day. A day off to stay inside and be lazy every once in awhile is fine.
Socialize in 2012. We've taken friends dinner, invited friends over for dinner, and have gone out to dinner with friends. We have so many friends that we only see every once in awhile. Get together more often people!
TRY not to spend as much money.... I need to limit myself on wants vs. needs. We need to pay some things off and put a lot in the savings account.
Love my husband. Yes I do love my husband every day but after having kids your attention is always on them and not so much each other. And unfortunately with volleyball and photography we hardly spent any time together last year. I'll make an effort to make time just for us. That's the best thing we can do for T as well.. she needs parents that love each other and I really really love him! I love spending time with him! So now we need to find and make that time!
2012 can be what you want it to be! What you do this year is up to you. You decide on the level of your happiness by choosing your attitude every day. The people that are the happiest don't have everything but they are thankful for everything that they have. Yes I am talking to myself as well. A few months ago the preacher said something simple that really made me think.. It was something along the lines of.. if you're unhappy flowing through life, you don't have to be, get out of the boat and make a change. So that's what I'm trying to do. Something simple my bible study teacher said that stuck with me is that if you don't plug in the lamp it will not shine. You need to plug in with God every day to work as well. She said she knew that sounded corny but it's so true. Having a bad day? Bad week? Plug it in! If I spend a few minutes praying I will have a better day. The days I went to bible study were the best. I hated getting up and going in the mornings (& getting T ready really) but I was in a great mood for the rest of the day. By going there I realized how lucky I am to be a believer & to know I'll be in kingdom of heaven one day & I realized how much I want to raise Tateym & my children to be believers.
2012- you WILL be a great year! Because I WILL make sure of it! :)
2012 will bring us:
- Niece Saylor turns 2
- Justin's 28th bday in April
- a NEW niece in April
- a NEW niece in April
- Niece Kelsey's sweet 16
- an exciting, fun-filled spring and summer
- Tateym's 3rd birthday in August
- my 27th bday in September (what?!?! this must be wrong. I literally just checked this with a calculator. That's when you know you're old. I could never understand how my parents forgot how old they were.. I already can't remember my age.)
- our 6th wedding anniversary in September
- a great volleyball season
- the best Christmas ever
- and hopefully, maybe, POSSIBLY baby #2 ;)
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