Saturday, February 13, 2010

20 Things I Love About My Valentine

Ok so I typed this very fast when Justin was in the shower... so I'm sure it has lots of mistakes and grammatical errors.

Valentine's Day is about LOVE so I wanted to do a post about my love, Justin! :)

Here are 20 Things I Love about my Valentine:

1. I love his smile.

2. I love his dark hair. It's gorgeous & I hope all of our children have it.

3. I love that he supports me in all that I do. I coached club volleyball for 2 years and although I did not make him go to all the games, he was at many of them... in Houston by 7:30am.. on the sidelines cheering my team on. I then went on to coach at Brazos Christian School. I spent a lot of time away at practices and games. I had a game on our 2 year Anniversary and he drove all the way to Victoria to watch our game and afterward he and I had our Anniversary dinner at Whataburger on the way home because it was after 10pm. Now I'm staying at home with Tateym & he totally supports that as well. I started sewing for our "Sew Cute" craft shows and online store ( When I told him I wanted to start this business he order 2 business books for HIM to read so he could help me! Not to mention I would have never graduated college if it weren't for him! One semester I was commuting from Round Rock to A&M and it was getting too much for me. I had so much homework and 3 hours a day were spent driving back and forth. One night when I felt like I couldn't do anymore, he began reading my textbook to me.. and it was about teaching middle school children how to write. lol

4. I love that he is smart about money. The first year we were married he started listening to Dave Ramsey's talk show on his XM radio. He bought a book and soon after we started the Dave Ramsey program to get out of debt. That first year we paid off soo much debt & we hope to continue this our whole life. "Live like no one else now so later you can live like no one else." -Dave Ramsey.

5. I love that he dreams big with me. One day we're going to do this.. and this.. and we're going to go here and there... I know the things we hope to do may not all work out one day but it's nice to dream and it's nice to have someone dream with you. 10 year Anniversary = Hawaii!

6. I love that he can cook. Some nights I just do not feel like cooking dinner and I love that he will take over that job pretty often.

7. I love that he likes to surprise me. A couple of weeks ago I wanted to have a date night. We arranged for my mom to baby sit. I was thinking something like Casa Ole and a movie. Instead he called me and told me to dress nice.. he had made reservations somewhere but he wouldn't tell me where. We did go to the movie but then we went to The Republic. It is SUPER nice!! LOVED it!

8. I love that he made our engagement really special. He asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner for our 6 month Anniversary Friday after we got off work. (We were both still working at the Bryan Golf Course). I got off earlier so I went home and showered and got ready to go to dinner. Of course I didn't know where we were going. He showed up with flowers and took me to Messina Hof Winery's Restaurant. I was so impressed that he had made this night so special. We had wine and and dessert and then he asked if I wanted to walk out back in the garden area. We walked down a lit up pathway and at the end was a gazebo with a bench and a table. He grabbed the bottle of wine on the table and asked if that was the kind I liked. On the bottled was printed: "Especially bottled for Kristy" and "Will you marry me?"

9. I love that he's so tall. Of course I think that makes him more attractive but also I get to wear high heels! I'm a tall girl so if he were the same height as me or shorter I'd feel self conscious wearing heels.

10. I love that he feels like my family is his family. Yes they are by marriage.. but he knows I love my family and doesn't complain about "the in-laws". He doesn't mind my mom coming to stay with us for a few days, or going to all of Kelsey's sporting events. Do you realize she was only like 9 when Justin & I started dating? That seems like so long ago now that she's turning 14 next month.

11. I love that he loves the same foods I do. As we pulled out of Jose's Mexican food restaurant the other day I shouted, "I LOVE YOU JOSE'S!" Justin said, "I really thought you were going to say Justin.. but I should've known.." Hey, I love them both. :)

12. I love that he does such a wonderful job providing for Tateym and I. Since we were married I have not worked other than part time coaching and substituting. I'm so thankful for the house, Tahoe, and everything we have because of Justin.

13. I love that he married me despite my pile of student loans! Haha. Justin has supported me financially from the day I was accepted into Texas A&M and I now have my Aggie Ring & Degree. With that also comes my student loans!.. :( To do: Start a college fund for Tateym.

14. I love that he likes sports. Yes, I do get tired of football games being on the t.v. but overall I do like that he's a sportsy-kind-of-guy. I really hope our kids of into sports.

15. I love that he helps out around the house. I don't have a job but I have plenty to do around the house.. between Tateym, sewing, the dogs, trying to keep a clean house, you know the usual. When he sees that the clothes need put away or Maggie needs food he starts at it even though he has been working all day. *No he's not perfect at this & we do fight sometimes but don't we all?*

16. I love that I can tell him anything. Any thing!

17. I love that he doesn't tell me I can't do any thing. I wanted to go to Destin, FL the semester after we got married with a group of girl friends and he told me to go. I could see why I married man would not want his wife to party in Florida for a week but instead he said he thought it was an experience I needed & he had done the same when he was my age in college.

18. I love that he likes to workout and be in shape. No we don't always work out (we spend of evenings playing with Tateym/dinner) but we are eating a lot healthier together. He has lost about 15 lbs. so I am very jealous about that.. but I like that he keeps his weight and health in check and that makes me do the same!!

19. I love that he's hot.

20. I love that he made me heart shaped pancakes for Valentines day, gave me a sweet card & a Willowtree gift, and bought Tateym a gift and a card just from Daddy! :)


  1. Justin says look for the follow up to this titled 20 Things I Hate about my Husband!

  2. That was so sweet! I want to do my own now...if I can find the time!
