Saturday, February 20, 2010

6 Month Well Check = Terrified Baby

Friday (2/19/10) I took Tateym to the doctor for her 6 month well check appointment. Dr. Tomlin walked in the door and Tateym started freaking out as soon as the doctor started examining her. I mean tears rolling, face turning red, hyperventilating kind of scared. The doctor said usually babies start to show strong attachment to parents and a fear of strangers around 8-9 months but according to everything else she's doing she seems to be advanced in her development. Some things they asked if she can do include: rolling back and forth, turning toward voices and noises, makes sounds, imitates sounds, holds toys, recognizes parents' faces, & lots more that I can't remember now.. but she does them all. Tateym weighed in at 16 pounds 1 ounce (50th percentile), was 26 1/4 inches long (75th percentile), and her head circumference was 43.7 cm (75th percentile). Dr. Tomlin said she should be having 3 meals a day and is having the perfect amount of formula- 24 ounces. One thing she said that really surprised me is that Tateym can start using a sippy cup now! You mean my little bitty baby can have a sippy cup?! So we gave it to her tonight and she did really well with it. Pics to come soon! Oh and one more thing that surprised me was that when Tateym is 8-9 mo. she can have pieces of real finger foods. I figured she meant cheerios, bananas, etc. but she said pieces of fruits, carrots, hamburger meat, cheese, even chicken. But I shouldn't start meats until 8-9 months. Other things the doctor mentioned were that we need to read to Tateym, wipe or brush her TWO teeth every night before she goes to bed, & start baby-proofing the house. Then when the doctor left the room we waited for the nurse to come with the shots so that was fun! The crying & tears started all over again..... I hated it. I swear Tateym looked at me like "Mommy, save me." We will go back and do it all over again in three months for her 9 month well check.

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