Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Independence!

Although Justin and I didn't have big plans for the 4th of July this year it was still a pretty good day! We went and did a little grocery shopping at HEB and CVS (got some CVS bucks), hung out at the house for a little while, went swimming at my sister and Luke's house, took a nap, ordered Double Dave's Pizza (the best pizza rolls ever), and ended the night at the George Bush Library to see the fireworks! The firework event started off a little rocky with our golden retriever, Wyatt. First we pull up on the side of 2818 which is very busy with cars and when Justin lifts up the back door of his car, Wyatt flies out of there very speedily! He usually waits for you to tell him to get out but not this time. I almost had a heart attack because I thought he was about to get flattened on the road! So here I am with a big pregnant belly, holding a bag full of necessities on one arm and holding Maggie in the other and I run after Wyatt and grab his collar. So then we walk across George Bush Dr. and find a spot to set up camp. Everything is going good until Wyatt starts to run off. While Justin was setting up his chair he didn't realize Wyatt was chewing through his lease... so Justin fixes it, later Wyatt gets out of it again, but is finally good and leased.. So I'm thinking when the fireworks actually do start Wyatt is going to flip out and go crazy because he is the biggest scaredy cat I know! He's scared when you shake a plastic bag or trash bag and tinkled in the house when I started the vacuum. However, he did very well and even watched the fireworks. My Maggie on the other hand was shaking the whole time in my lap. She did not care for all the loud bangs. The fireworks were very pretty though and everything went well besides Wyatt escaping a few times. I give Justin a hard time about him but I would have been very sad if Wyatt would have become a pancake.

Wyatt and Justin on the 4th of July!

Wyatt's eyes look very evil here.

Me and Maggie waiting on the fireworks!
No, I did not wear any makeup because it was dark outside and I didn't feel like it.
Maggie looks good though! :)

It looks like it but I'm really not choking her. It was a hug and she's smiling not choking!

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