Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Nursery Completed!

We finished the nursery!!!

Justin painted the walls pink, my dad put in the railing, Justin, my mom, and my dad painted the railing white and the bottom part brown, and I painted the accents (flowers, scripture, and swirls).

We're going to put her name on top of the hutch after she is born.

Of course all the frames in the room will be replaced with her photos!

The changing table and diapers are ready for baby!

Plenty of diapers, books, & clothes!

This is the 20 week ultrasound. I love it :)

Her friends waiting for her arrival!

Her bag is packed and her outfit to come home in is ready to go!

Maggie is excited to share "her room" with her new little sister!


  1. Awww Kristy, the nursery is just beautiful. It made me tear up. I can't wait for that sweet baby girl to get here. P.S. I'm enlisting your help when the time comes for us to decorate another nursery. =-)

  2. Oh my gosh, this is beautiful!!! I'm very impressed. How did you do those swirl things?? Can't wait to meet your daughter! :)

  3. Thanks girls!!!

    I copied a piece of scrapbook paper for the green swirl and the purple one we basically free handed..

    Brenna, I would love to help decorate your next nursery.. just let me know when. :)

  4. That is the cutest nursery ever!!!!! You guys did an amazing job, what a blessed little girl.
