Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Doctor Appointment- 37 Weeks!

Exactly 3 weeks today until Baby Girl's Due Date! We had 2 appointments today. First we met with a pediatrician this morning and had a consultation. We just wanted to meet her and ask a few questions. She had a lot to tell us to about when to bring the baby in, what to expect, etc. So we have a pediatrician now and I can check that off my list to do! Then this afternoon I had my weekly exam at my OB's office. They first weighed me and I had gained 1 pound since last week. I gave my urine sample and they checked my blood pressure which was a little high. This was the first time there was ever an issue with it. So when I went back into the room they checked it again with me laying on my side and it was fine so he wasn't worried about it. When he checked me I was 1 cm dilated so at least there is progress! Then we found out good news and not so good news. First the bad.. Last week I had a test done for Group B Strept and the test came back positive. One in five women have it and I'm the one. He says it's not a big deal as long as they know about it. When I go into labor I have a slip of paper I have to give them to remind them that I need antibiotics for Group B. He already notified the hospital as well. They said in the past 5 years they've only had one baby affected by it so it's nothing to worry about. The good news is that I get to have another ultrasound! And it's not because he's worried about the baby or anything. He measured my belly and it was right on target, 37 cm. However he was feeling the outside of my stomach and said I have a lot of baby in there. He said since I haven't gained a lot of weight anywhere else and my belly is still getting big, he wants to make sure the baby isn't getting too big, since I didn't marry a little guy too. We will go in on Monday morning at10:30am to have an ultrasound and then meet with the doctor to find out what's going to happen from there. We'll keep you posted!!!

1 comment:

  1. Like I told you earlier, I think she is big enough! I am so ready to meet her!!! I have you both in my prayers! Love ya!
